Hello, my friends!
Last week, I sent out a form to all of my wonderful email subscribers asking them if they had any questions for me about life, writing, photography, and blogging. So many of you submitted such lovely questions – I can’t wait to answer them in this post, along with sharing some recent photography!

So, if you’d like to get to know me better, read on!
What is your #1 tip for when you don’t feel like writing?
Just doing it and self-motivation. Ever since I started writing seriously, I’ve always been able to make myself sit and write. In general, I’m a very motivated person, if I want something done, I’m doing it, haha. When I don’t want to write, that’s when I make myself write the hardest. I sit down at my desk, turn off wifi, open Scrivener, and just write. Sometimes I’ll spend 10 minutes just staring at the page until I yell at myself (my docs are scary, watch out. XD) to actually write and once I get going, the words just flow. So just do it. Write one word, and then another.

How long have you been writing for?
I’ve been writing seriously for two years now but I’ve been creating stories ever since I was a four-year-old. The first story I remember writing was four pages long where these four kids went on a raft trip and by the end, they all had nearly died in some way or another. (I promise, I’m less violent now. 😅)
What motivates you to continue writing so consistently?

Mainly having goals that I’ve set for myself and like I said above, just doing it. Things like NaNoWriMo, Crazy Writing Week, and the 100-for-100 challenges are challenges that have given me a lot of motivation to do it. But in the end, it all narrows down to my own motivation and drive.
What traits do you have that you include in your characters?
Hmm. . . in every story I’ve written, at least one of my characters has a love for beauty and seeing things others miss, which is one of my favorite things.

Why do you write in your genre?
I love the middle-grade genre for so many reasons – mainly because it’s my favorite genre to read. As for why I write historical fiction, I find history fascinating, and researching and learning new things is one of my favorite parts of the writing process.
How do you come up with character names?
In my current writing project, I’m writing about a real family hence I just went with the names they had when they were living, but I keep a list of names I like and if I’m in the midst of writing and I’m like ‘WAIT, SHE NEEDS A NAME!’ I usually use Scrivener’s name generator.
What do you want to do when you grow up?
I’d love to be able to an author and either have a photography business, graphic design business, or another type of a creative business.

What’s your favorite old hymn?
Oooh, I love so many hymns. As The Deer, Shine Jesus Shine, or They’ll Know We Are Christians are all my favorites.
What’s your all-time favorite Bible verse?
“That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of all thy wondrous works” — Psalm 26:7 and “He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.” — Ecclesiastes 3:11 are both my favorite verses.

What’s your favorite drink?
Water? I know that’s lame, but, I don’t drink much besides water. xD But other than water, tea (hot or cold) is what I love and lemonade-tea is also amazing!
What’s the best way to start the day?
I usually start my mornings by waking up (the best way to start your day – highly recommend) and doing some Scripture study to start off, after that, it varies. Sometimes I run but often, I wait for the afternoon to do that. Usually after my scripture study, I get ready for my day, eat breakfast, check my bullet journal, and start school around 8:00. On this topic though, would any of you like to see a day in the life post soon? 😀

What city would you most like to live in?
None? I don’t love cities, so living in one would not be my preference. How about a quiet house in the country instead? 😂
How cute is your new baby sis?
She is the most adorable child you have ever seen, despite the fact that I usually don’t think babies in the first few months are cute at all. 😅😂 (Also, for those of you who I haven’t told, there is another sibling and she is the sweetest baby ever who I’m sure you’ll be hearing more about later. 🥰)

What is special about the place you grew up?
We used to live on the top of a huge hill, so looking down on the town was always special. And since the house we used to live in used water for heat there were radiators in every room and on cold mornings, my siblings and I would sit on those to do our school work.

What is the most annoying question that people ask you regularly?
Probably ‘why do you have so many siblings?’ that one drives me insane. 😂 Or, ‘what grade are you in?’ because I’m already a year ahead already, plus working ahead even more so I can graduate earlier – so explaining to people what grade I’m in is so complicated.
How do you stay organized?
Lots of to-do lists, my bullet journal, calendars, and keeping things tidy are the main ways I stay organized. Also, sticky notes are one of my favorite things for making short to-do lists!

What’s your favorite thing about blogging?
Definitely meeting new people and the way it’s given me new opportunities! Without blogging, I wouldn’t have gotten into photography (or at least, not as much as I am) or pen-palling and those are two of my favorite things! Plus, it’s grown my writing and communication skills. But overall, this community! I love having you guys read my posts, responding to your comments and emails, and getting to know all of you and hear your stories! 🥰

Blogging tips?
I actually wrote a whole post on this. 😀 Click here for the link!
What is the best advice that you can give to new bloggers?
Firstly, don’t beg for followers and over-promote. I get that it’s exciting and I know I did it once or twice when I first started out and now regret it. 😅 But constantly being like “Go follow my blog now” and “if I get to ___ many subscribers, I’ll do this amazing thing, so subscribe now” are things that drive me crazy. 😛 Plus, making sure you have a good blog design, your posts are high quality, and being authentic while professional are all super important!
What 3 blogs are your favorite?
I love Allison Marie, Let’s Run Free, and The Braided Vine. Plus, The Striped Plaid when Hannah was still posting was another favorite!
How do you find time to write, blog regularly, and still maintain a healthy and organized lifestyle?

Finding my specific process and having theme days are the two things that I’ve found most helpful! My process varies depending on the type of post I’m doing (e.g. if I’m writing a baking post then I have to bake & get photos before I start the post but with this post I just started writing) but the general idea is I’ll check my calendar to see what post I’m writing for the week – I try to have my posts planned out for at least a month and a half in advance – and begin writing the post. Once it’s finished, I’ll edit and upload my pictures, create a featured image, add tags and categories, and then edit the post. Once I do that, I prep the email for my email list, and schedule the post. All in less than two hours!
Going off my second tip, I’ve found doing theme days to be the most helpful! Instead of trying to work on my fiction writing and my email list/blog on the same day, I work on blogging on Monday and Fridays, fiction writing on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, learning and writing craft on Saturdays, and doing nothing on Sundays. It’s helped me be much more productive and focused!

Would you recommend starting a blog if you don’t feel like you have enough time to keep up with it?
Probably not, but it depends on your perspective. I’d probably recommend starting an email list over a blog because they are less time-consuming, and easier to do, but also a great way to start building a platform!
How long does it usually take you to write blog posts?
I *kind of* answered this question above, but it averagely takes me 2 and a half hours to complete a publishable blog post!

What’s the hardest thing about blogging?
Hmm. . .this is a hard question because I LOVE blogging and so I usually try to block out the bad parts, haha. But I’d say growing my blog/email list has been the thing I’ve struggled with the most and reaching more people.
What’s one piece of advice you would give to a first-time photographer?
First – shoot, shoot, and shoot more. The only way to get better is to keep trying. So don’t be afraid to take picture after picture, try different angles, and see what works. Second -look for inspiration from others. If I’ve seen a photo on Pinterest or a blog I was reading that I loved, I’m often to go and try to get a similar picture. Not copying it, but adding my own twist to it. I wrote more photography tips in this guest post, but I’m planning on doing a longer photography tips post in the future!

What’s your favorite thing to photograph?
Nature, all the way. I love capturing sunsets, flowers, animals, and so many other things.
What’s the hardest thing to photograph?
Trying to shoot at night. 😛 I’m working on learning and researching astrophotography because it’s something I’d love to do, but it’s hard, especially when it’s freezing at night, haha.
Do you have a guilty pleasure book?
Who doesn’t? xD So yes, I have more than one: Holly’s Heart by Beverly Lewis, From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankwhiler by E.L. Kongisburg, and Once Upon A Summer by Janette Oke.

What’s a book that you thought you wouldn’t like but it surprised you?
The View From Saturday by E.L. Kongisburg was one book that I read for school and didn’t think I’d enjoy, but ended up loving!
Room decorating tips/ideas?
I’d say my main tips are to use a limited color palette and have white walls. That last tip may seem boring, but it really does help brighten a room and makes it seem light and airy. Click here for my spring cleaning list and here for the tour of my own bedroom where I included some more tips!

your turn!
All right, I’m finally done rambling! I had a lovely time answering all of your questions and I hope you enjoyed reading my answers!
Favorite question/answer? Answer one of the questions from this post in the comments!
Thank you so much for reading, and have a lovely day!
oh it’s so fun to see your answers! that mean s so much that my blog is one of your favorites ❤️. And I (sadly) stumbled upon The Striped Plaid a few months after she stopped posting, and I really wish she would come back at some point. This was so entertaining to read, thanks for posting it 🙂
Girl, people ask you why you have so many siblings???? 😩😩😩 That’s … Why? 😭🤣 And another sibling??? Congratulations!!! ❤ Yes, definitely share more about her if you are able/allowed. ❤
And hehe, yes, I would like to see a day in the life. That would be neat.
And props to you for being advanced in school! You go, girl. ❤
Ugh, yeah. 😕 It’s like “Um, don’t ask me, ask God.” 😂😅
Thank you so much for such a sweet comment, Amelia. 🥰 You’re so kind.
I’m glad you enjoyed this post, Mayim! <3
I know, Hannah was an amazing blogger.
I’m glad you enjoyed this post, Mayim! <3
I know, Hannah was an amazing blogger.
Great post Per!!! Congrats on your new sibling! That’s so exciting!
Ack, I hate when people ask my grade too lol. It’s so hard to explain and then they still don’t understand/believe you XP
Thank youuuu! <3
Yeahh, why can't it just be your age or 'I'm in high school' or something easier. xD
Same here…i love homeschooling, but outsiders can be easily confused by it 😂
*gasp* i love Allison’s blog, too! she’s so talented and sweet. and i would love to see a day-in-the-life post! those are always so relaxing to read and i feel like a day in your life would be so much fun to learn about. great post as always, Pearl!
Me too, she is amazing! I’ll make sure to do a day in the life post soon, then – thank you for reading and comment, Mia! <3
I love all your answers, Pearl! This post was such a fun one to read! And all the pictures are beautiful!
Aw, thank you, Aliya! <33
Also, I definitely with your tip for first time bloggers. (though I did do it a few times at the start of my blog) It doesn’t matter how many subscribers you have, if you have only a few who engage a lot, it is a lot better than tons of subscribers.
Yeah, it’s so easy to want a ton of followers but in the end, it’s better to engage with the audience you already have and slowly, with hard work and good content, it will begin to grow!
I agree!
Great post Pearl!! I totally get it about the grades! XD For me, it’s so tricky to remember what “name of the grade” I’m in, like freshman, sophomore, etc…and the just about when I’ve figured it out, it changes!! Haha!
Haha, it gets harder as you get older. xD Thank you for reading, Bella! <3
You are the best writer and your posts are always so calming!❤️
Aww, you are so sweet 💕 Thank you so much!
These were great answers and the pictures in between were so pretty!
Thank you so much!
It was so fun to read all your answers! 🤩
Yay! I’m glad you enjoyed it!!
This was so fun to read. I love all the pictures!
So glad you enjoyed it! I had tons of fun taking these pictures. 😄
Pearl, I love all of these!! So amazing! I write a magazine, and I can relate to just about all you said even in general. Ummm. Yes! I really want a day in the life! Also, love how planned and organized you are, super inspiring tips!
Aww, thank you soo much! 💕 I’ll make sure to do a day in the life soon!
*gasp* aaaahhhh you have a new baby sister???!!!!!! that’s awesome!!!!!! <3
all your answers were nice to read (: i can see what you're saying about it being hard to take photos at night. but if you can get some good star photos, i'd love to see them.
also i like your advice for scheduling mornings. thank you!
Waittt, I didn’t tell you? I was sure I did. o.O Well, now you know at least. 😅 💕
Thanks, Em! I’ll definitely post them on here if I ever get good ones.
Ooh, yay! I found that that helps me be so much more productive.
LOVED your answers, Pearl!!! Oh yeah, I hate when people ask what my grade it. The secret truth is, for most of my life, I’ve never remembered my grade. *hides behind a pillow* Being homeschooled, there’s just not a big emphasis placed on it lol!
Congratulations on your new baby sister!! That’s so exciting!!!
I can never remember my grade either, lol.
I knowww! It’s hard, haha.
*pulls you out from pillow* It’s definitely not a huge thing in homeschooling, especially if you don’t go to a coop or someplace like that. 😛
Aww, thank you! You’re so sweet! <3
ooooh, i loved reading this post, pearl! <3 your posts are always so aesthetic and fun to read (:
also– have you heard from hannah (from the sp) at all? i noticed she essentially dropped off the face of the earth like a year ago, and that she hasn't been fulfilling her etsy orders, and i've been a bit worried. i'm probably overthinking it though 😅
Aw, thank you, Rue! I’m glad you enjoyed it. 💕
Neither have I and it’s made me worried as well because I’ve emailed her & contacted her Etsy shop and she hasn’t ever responded. 😅 I hope she’s okay and let me know if you do end up hearing from her. <3
i did some searching, and i ended up finding her pinterest profile. i could dm you the link to it? i’m still not sure why she disappeared from everything, but it looks like she’s safe and okay <3
Oh, I’m so glad to hear that she’s safe and okay. <3 If you don't mind, I'd love the link. Thank you, Rue. 🥰
of course <3 i'll send it to you on ydubs (just cause idk if she would want the link shared publicly). i was gonna dm her, but unfortunately with pinterest's new update, i can't unless she follows me /:
Ah, reading this was so much fun! *high fives fellow MG book lover* I love writing in that genre too!
Thanks for doing a Q&A post, Pearl!
I had a ton of fun doing it so I’m glad you enjoyed it! *high fives back* MG-book-lovers for the win!
when this came out i realised i’d forgotten to include a question. . . partly ‘cause i couldn’t think of any. XP but these were great questions / answers and awesome to read! loved the productivity tips. <3
o.O having people ask you “why you have so many siblings” sounds so annoying. 😂😛
yessss, absolutely do a day-in-the-life! that would be so fun. 😁💛
Haha, it’s fine and if you had a question, you would have already asked me. 😂😉 So glad it was helpful!!
It gets so frustrating and it’s like “Um, if you got a problem with that, talk to God instead of asking me.” 😂
Yay! I’ll work on making one!♥️😁
*poofs in*
“Um, if you got a problem with that, talk to God instead of asking me.”
That is so me. XD
I love that we are so similar in that way. XD
Ooh, yes, please do a day in the life post! That would be really fun to read.
And siblings are the greatest- I wish I had more XD Your little sister sounds so cuuuuute! Are you allowed to tell us what her name is?
Ooh, I’ll definitely do one then!
I know, they’re the best. 🥰 And yesss, she is adorable. Her name is Charity Lynn! <3
*poofs in* that is a beautiful name <3 *poofs out*
Aww, thank you, Em <333
This post was amazingggg, one of my favorites yet!! <3 And I’d love to see a day in the life post from you, Pearl. . . I think it would be so cool!!
Aw, I had SO much fun making it so I’m happy you enjoyed it! <3 Yay! I'll definitely make one soon.
This was such a fun post to read! And thanks for the tip about theme days — I am going to try that!
Water’s my favorite as well. XD
“I usually start my mornings by waking up (the best way to start your day – highly recommend)” This made me laugh. XD
I relate to so many of these, but I’ll stop now. ; ) I also relate to the “why do you have so many siblings?” question and “what grade are you in?” I’m a year ahead, but I don’t like to publicize that. It would be nice to be two years ahead, but I’m not sure if I could pull that off. I skipped eighth grade because I wanted to finish high school early. *shrug*
Anyway, love this post!!
Yay for us water drinkers and for making you laugh! 😂
Same. *nods* There are few people who actually know I’m ahead, but being in sports makes it weird since I’m doing harder schoolwork, but actually in a lower grade. *fp*
Thank you for reading!! <3
Aww, congratulations on your baby sister 🥰✨ Ooh, that’s a good idea to keep walls white. The striped plaid blog was also one of my favorites- but I also came across it after she stopped posting 😕