Hello, friends!
Here I am on a Tuesday posting, and yes, I’ll also have a Friday post. 😉 I’m going to start posting twice a week for the next few weeks (probably until the New Year!) and we’ll see after that ~ I have a lot of fun and exciting ideas for posts and not enough posts to share all of my ideas, so hopefully, this will help!
Anywho, today, I have quite a few autumn photos that I wanted to stick up here before December truly arrives and we’re supposed to be thinking Christmas-y thoughts.

Get yourself a cup of hot apple cider, a cozy blanket, and a comfy place to sit, and start scrolling since this is going to be a long post!
There is quite a variety of photos, so I’ll try to divide it up, but we’ll see how well it works. Let’s begin with some of my favorite sunset photos!

We were at my grandparents one day for dinner, having one last outside cook-out and the sunset was so pretty. We live in a valley and sadly miss the sun, set is often hidden behind the hills ~ I was so glad we were in town and ankle to see this one. The red, orange and pink sunstreaks are gorgeous. It was even prettier in real life.

I love the silhouettes, too. Since we’re out in the country, there are rarely other houses around to photograph, other than my own, so this was fun, along with the electric lines.

This was one of the few sunsets we saw from my house, and oh, it was beautiful. <3 The colors changed so much within the ten minutes I was out sitting on our deck watching it ~ It started out a bit pale, and over the ridge mainly, but then it climbed over to the other side of the house. The clouds were so pretty, too.

The colors quickly changed and turned to darker shades, with more purple.

Sunsets and sunrises are one of my favorite things ever.

It quickly got darker, and then it was gone. . . .it was so lovely and beautiful. I love the little moments like this when I’m just stunned by the beauty God created and gave us.

I was on a walk with a few of my younger siblings (more pictures from this walk are later in the post) when I saw how pretty it the fading sun looked through the pine trees. I love silhouettes in sunsets if you can’t tell.

autumn flowers
We surprisingly had quite a few flowers that lasted through multiple frosts and one small snow storm ~ it was fun to see the blanket flowers covered in snow, but I somehow managed to either not take pictures of them or delete them. . . ? Either way, you’ll have to settle with this pretty blanket flower that I picked and took a photo of when the morning light was lovely. (And the bokehhhhh *grins*)

More pretty bokeh and morning light! These cedar tree leaves / needles are very pretty and more wintery than autumn-y in my opinion, but it’s lovely just the same.

I have so many pictures of zinnias at this point, it’s a bit crazy. o.O It was a lot of fun having zinnias all the way from May to the beginning of November. They are such pretty flowers, and even though this one was starting to look brown, I loved getting one last picture before it died.

My grandparents have a huge garden (photos of their flowers have appeared before on my blog!) and when we were over there for dinner that one night, I noticed that these flowers were still blooming. My grandpa didn’t enjoy them blooming so late (early October to the middle of November) but I love how pretty they are with the different colors and it was fun to see flowers still in bloom.

The dark purple that slowly gets lighter and turns to white is so pretty ~ I love the pop of yellow, too.

Our mums lasted a good bit, too, but now, they are also very brown and dead. There is a bit too much yellow in this photo for me (shocking for someone like me who loves yellow) but I like the bright colors of red & pink of the mum.

random bits
These next photos aren’t anything specific, just a bit of nature photography with a few other autumn photos thrown in.
I’ve wanted to get a picture of something like this for a while, and Mercy was the one who cooperated ~ it’s such a sweet picture with lots of bokeh in the back ground!

While we are also at it, I took some leaf / pinecone silhouettes. My old camera would never cooperate for silhouette pictures and I am glad that my new one does!

The maple grove (where a lot of our maple / syrup tapping trees are) looks lovely in the fall with so many different colors and shades.

This is a bit of an odd angle, but a tree in autumn is beautiful especially this one that is so tall.

I was walking with my mom one day when I took this picture. I was hoping to climb up the hill to the ridge, but we sadly had to go back and start supper ~ oh well, this picture of the creek will have to do.

I feel like this picture looks more summery than anything, but it has lots of wonderful bokeh and shades of green.

These last three photos aren’t technically nature, but they are fall-themed and I wanted to stick ’em in here somewhere. I was wearing a new and very cozy sweater for church one day when I thought it’d be fun to go do a photoshoot. Since Little Women is one of the prettiest books I own (and went with the sweater well), I grabbed it and my Mom and I went out to get a couple of shots. It was freezing and I didn’t bother to get a coat, so, there’s only one photo here. 😛

This was a photo for my Bookstagram, but I thought it’d be fun to share it ~ This pumpkin worked well for a bookend, haha.

I love moss and little details like this one. It has always been one of my favorite things to photograph. If you look closely, there is a tiny row of mushrooms tucked into the corner / little knot hole.

I hope you enjoyed this post! That’s the last of my autumn photos for this year since it’s snowed here and my most recent pictures, are all very wintery and snowy. 😀 You’ll see those and quite a few Christmas posts in the next coming weeks.
What was your favorite photo from this post? Are you ready for Christmas & winter? How do you celebrate Thanksgiving?
Have a lovely day, and thank you for reading, lovely people!

Such pretty photos. Will you be sending out emails for these second posts?
I’ll send a link out in my usual Friday email! 😀 Thank you!